Friday 24 July 2015

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam 2015 Syllabus Analysis

Hey there!

In this article, I am going to analyze the TNPSC group 2 preliminary exam syllabus. TNPSC group 2 exam has been conducted once an year and the exam takes place in three stages. Already, I have written a very big article on this topic. You can read that here 'TNPSC Group 2 Exam Pattern'. So, in this article, I am not gonna explain about the TNPSC group 2 exam pattern. This article is only about TNPSC group 2 preliminary exam syllabus analysis. I will write an article about TNPSC group 2 main exam syllabus analysis soon. I have mentioned the best book for each subject in this article. These books are must read books to crack TNPSC group 2 exam in the first attempt. Moreover, these books will also be useful to other exams like TNPSC Group 1 Exam, UPSC exams and Railway exams. So, don't hesitate to buy these books because these books will change your future. Those who can't buy each book and can buy the all in one book given under the topics 'General Tamil' and 'General English'. But, if you ask me which book is best, I would suggest you to buy separate books for each topic. I suggest so because, you will get more details in each book. You can also use these books for IAS exams. Remember 'Books are our never failing friends' and 'Money spent on books is an investment not expenditure".

Download TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Here- TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam 2015 Syllabus Analysis

TNPSC group 2 preliminary exam syllabus is divided into 8 units. Those 8 units are
  • General Science.
  • Current Events.
  • Geography.
  • History and Culture of India.
  • Indian Polity.
  • Indian Economy.
  • Indian National Movement.
  • Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests and
  • General Tamil/ General English.
Let me explain about each topic in more detail.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: General Science

General Science plays a key role in the current era of almost all governmental exams. Till 2010, each and every government exams related to administration level, gave more importance to social sciences. But, after 2010, equal weightage has been given to life science too. You can see almost 7-12 questions related to general life science is all TNPSC  as well as UPSC question papers. So, we must give the equal importance to general life sciences as well as general social sciences. General Science is further divided into 4 categories. Those 4 categories are,
  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Botany and
  • Zoology.
These 4 categories include a variety of topics. Physics deals with all basic Geo-Physical topics. The most important topics to be studied in Physics are General scientific laws, Inventions and Discoveries, Mechanics, Magnetism and Electricity. Similarly, chemistry also includes a variety of Organic and Inorganic topics. The major topics in chemistry include Elements and Compounds, Metals, Carbon, Nitrogen and Fertilizers.

The most important topics in Botany are Classification Of Living Organisms, Nutrition & Dietetics and Respiration.Zoology is more important than Botany because more questions are taken from Zoology in the recent years. The important topics in Zoology includes Circulatory System, Endocrine System, Reproductive System, Bio-diversity and Human Diseases. Now, lets move into the next topic.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: Current Affairs

Current Events are nothing but Current Affairs. Current Affairs are the most important topic in any governmental exam. My first preference goes to Current Affairs. For Current Affairs, all you need to do is 'Read the newspaper'. Even, I have written an article on 'How To Read The Hindu Newspaper For UPSC And TNPSC Exams'. You can read that article which will help you to understand how to read The Hindu newspaper. Coming to the point, the Current Events section is also divided into 5 categories. Those categories are,
  • History.
  • Political Science.
  • Geography.
  • Economics.
  • Science.
Important topics in History for current affairs includes Who is who, Eminent Persons in sports, Latest events timeline, Latest books and its authors, Latest awards and honors. Important topics in Political Science includes Public elections, Role of government, Role of non-governmental organizations, Political parties and Policies. Important topics in current affairs for Geography includes Geographical Landmarks and ecological issues. Important topics in Economics includes current economic polices, country and state budgets. Current affairs for science includes latest inventions and technology.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: Geography

Geography is one of the important subjects in which more questions are asked frequently. Most important topics in Geography are Solar system, Formation of earth, India's climate, rainfall, water resources, industries and soil types. Socio-Geographical topics include remote sensing and disaster management. I advise you not to memorize Geography. All I say is to understand the subject Geography! Its the most beautiful subject to read.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: History & Culture Of India

History is the subject in which more number of questions are asked every time. So, study History well. We can classify Indian History into 3 categories. Those 3 categories are,
  • Ancient India.
  • Medieval India and
  • Modern India.
But, when we deeply analyze the question paper and pattern, TNPSC gives more importance to South Indian History. The topic History in TNPSC group 2 exam starts from the modern India, that is, from the advent of Europeans in India. So, study well the following topics: European Invasion, British rule and its policies, South Indian History and the most eminent persons in south Indian history. Don't worry about Indian freedom struggle here because separate section is given for Indian freedom struggle.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: Indian Polity

Indian Polity has become an emerging topic in TNPSC and UPSC exams. We can expect around 5-7 questions on Indian Polity. Indian Polity is a very big subject. Indian Polity is also a confusing subject. So, you should study Indian Polity with utmost care. The  most important topic in Indian Polity includes Union, State, Territory, Fundamental right & duties, Union legislature, State legislature, RTI (Right To Information) and empowerment of women.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: Indian Economy

We can expect around 3-6 questions from Indian Economy. The most important topic in Indian Economy includes Nature of Indian economy, 5 year plans, Land reforms, Agricultural reforms, Industrial growth, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), PCI (Per Capita Income) and Social sector problems like poverty, unemployment, education etc.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: Indian National Movement

As I have stated earlier, a separate section has been given to Indian freedom struggle. Indian National Movement is a big topic and it includes all the story from Sepoy Mutiny to Indian Independence. Most important topics in Indian national movement includes 1857 revolt, INC (Indian National  Congress), Mahatma Gandhi, Jawarhalal Nehru, Subash Chandra Bose, Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle and Tamil freedom fighters like V.O.Chidambaram Pillai, Periyar, Rajaji etc.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: Aptitude

Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests accounts for 25 marks. So, If you study well, you can grab these 25 marks easily. We cannot point out particular important topics in this section. Every year different trend has been followed in Aptitude & Mental Ability Tests. But, after a deep analysis, I have suggested a few important topics here. They are Dice puzzles, Simple interest, compound interest, Logical reasoning and number series. Anyhow, read all the topics but the above mentioned topics are must-read topics.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: General Tamil

The language paper accounts for a whole 100 marks in the TNPSC group 22 preliminary exam. Usually, the General Tamil is classified into 3 categories. Those 3 categories are
  • Grammar Of Tamil Language.
  • Literature Of Tamil Language and
  • Tamil Poets And Their Contribution To Tamil Language.
In this section, questions can be asked from anywhere. So, I can guarantee a particular topic here. So, read all the topics well. I have suggested few books below. Better read those books.

TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis: General English

Similar to General Tamil, General English also accounts for 100 marks. General English is also categorized into 3 parts. Those 3 parts are
  • English Grammar.
  • English Literature and
  • English Authors And Their Literary Works.
Here also, I can't point out particular topics, because the syllabus is very big and you have to study a lot of topics. So, better read the books suggested below as they will come handy to your preparations.

Here ends my article on TNPSC Group 2 Preliminary Exam Syllabus Analysis. I hope this article will give you a deep insight into TNPSC Group 2 Exam syllabus. If you have any doubts, feel free to comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you find this article useful, don't forget to share it among your friends to help them too. Meet you in the next article. Until then, keep exploring my website. Cya!!

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Best Book For Indian Culture In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Hey there!

This article will suggest you the best book for Indian Culture in TNPSC and UPSC exams. I have written a series of articles that suggests the best books for TNPSC and UPSC preparation. You can find that article list here- Best Books For TNPSC And UPSC Preparation. Coming to the point, in this article, I will suggest you the best book for Indian Culture. Moreover, I will explain the salient features of the book. Lets move into the article.

Best Book For Indian Culture In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Best Book For Indian Culture In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Name Of The Book: Facets Of Indian Culture.

Author: R.Vidya, Kalapana Rajaram

Publication: Spectrum Book Private Limited

Length: 528 Pages

Edition: 1st Edition. 2014

Binding Type: Paperback

Language: English

Max Retail Price: Rs.280/-

Flipkart Discount Price: Rs.165/-

My Comments On The Best Book For Indian Culture In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

The topic, Indian Culture, has less weight-age in TNPSC and UPSC exams. But we cannot omit this topic as it includes 4-5 questions every time. So, Facets Of Indian Culture, is a must read book if you wish to excel in Indian Culture. Let me explain the infrastructure of the book in more detail.

The book has 10 lessons. Each lesson describes a different topic. The first lesson gives an introduction to Indian Culture. It also gives a brief explanation on Indian values and cultural continuity. The second lesson describes about Religion and Philosophy. The topics included here are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Religious Festivals and Fairs.

Third lesson speaks about Music. The topics included under music are Basics of Music, Classical Music, Two types of classical music, Hindustani music compositions, Karnatak music compositions, Modern developments in music, Famous personalities of India associated with music, Musical Instruments, Folk traditions, Indi-pop and Gharanas. Fourth lesson is all about Dance. Topics included are Basic aspects of Dance, Classical dance forms, Folk dances and Modern dances. Fifth lesson explains about Drama. Topics stated are Classical Theatre, Folk Theatre, Puppetry, Recent developments in Drama, UNESCO on Indian art dramas and World's longest one man running show.

Sixth lesson is all about the Indian Cinema. The topics explained here are Hindi cinema, Regional Cinema, Art Cinema, Bollywood, Music in Hindi films, Dance in Hindi films, Film Awards, Parallel Cinema, Film Related Institutions and Organizations. The seventh lesson is about Architecture, Art and Craft. The topics detailed here are Architecture and Sculpture, Metal Sculpture, Painting, Folk Painting Traditions, Crafts, Cave and Rock out architecture, Famous Stupas, Temple styles of Nagara, Dravida and Vesara. The eighth lesson is all about the languages of India. All the major 18 languages are explained in this topic. In addition to that, articles related to the comparison of Persian and Indian literature is also given. We can also find an article about the famous literary personalities.

The ninth lesson explains about the Media and Culture. The topics included here are Mass Media, Press and Culture, Electronic media and culture and the internet and its impact on the culture. The tenth lesson is all about the role of government in the promotion and preservation of Indian Culture. Moreover, it also has an additional topic on India in world heritage. Two appendices are attached which explains about the Martial Arts Of India and Places of Cultural interest.

I hope I have given an entire idea about the book. Its not a must read book. But if you wish to give your 100% in the exam, buy this. Here ends my article on the best book for Indian Culture in TNPSC and UPSC exams. If you have any doubts, feel free to comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you find this article useful, feel free to share it among your friends and help them. Meet you in the next article. Until then, keep exploring my website. Cya!!

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Best Book For Indian National Movement In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Hey there!

This article suggests you the best book for Indian National Movement in TNPSC and UPSC exams. I have written a series of articles suggesting the best books for TNPSC and UPSC preparation. You can read about those article here- Best Books For TNPSC And UPSC Preparation. Coming to the point, in this article, I am going to suggest you the best book for Indian National Movement in TNPSC and UPSC exams. Lets move into the description of the book.

Best Book For Indian National Movement In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Name Of The Book: History Of Indian National Movement.

Author: R.K.Sharma.

Publication: Sonali Publications.

Length: 360 pages.

Language: English.

Edition: 1st Edition.

Binding: Paperback.

Flipkart Price: Rs.875/-

My Comments On The Best Book For Indian National Movement In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Indian National Movement covers the topics from the early uprising of Indians against the British rule in India to Indian Independence. Its the most important topic in any government exams. Indian National Movement has been grouped under Modern India. But, we need a separate book to study about the Indian National Movement In India. The above mentioned book gives a deep insight into Indian National Movement. Let me explain about this book in more detail.

The ultimate aim of this book is to help under graduate, post graduate students and competitive exam aspirants. This book covers the entire history of India from 1857 to 1947. The topics included in this book are Great Uprising OF 1857, Social And Cultural Awakening In India, Extremism in Indian National Movement, Emergence Of Indian National Congress, Non Cooperation Movement, Role Of Swarajists, Cripps Proposal In India, Swadeshi and Home Rule Movement, Civil Disobedience Movement, Revolutionary Movement, Simon Commission, Muslim League, Separation Of India Into India And Pakistan, Cabinet Mission Plan and Interim Indian Government. Hence, this book covers all the important topics in Indian National Movement.

This book is not only for Civil service aspirants. Every Indian citizen has to read this book to know about the freedom struggle of India. Here ends my article on the best book for Indian National Movement in TNPSC and UPSC exams. If you have any doubts, feel free to comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you find this article useful, feel free to share it among your friends and help them. Meet you in the next article. Until then, keep exploring my website. Cya!!
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Best Book For Indian History In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Hey there!

This article is all about suggesting you the best book for Indian History in TNPSC and UPSC exams. I have also written a series of articles which suggests the best books for each subject in TNPSC and UPSC exams. You can read that article here- Best Books For TNPSC And UPSC Preparation. In this article, I am going to explain you about the best book for Indian History in TNPSC and UPSC exams. Lets get into the article.

Best Book For Indian History In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Best Book For Indian History In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Name Of The Book: Indian History.

Author: Krishna Reddy.

Publication: Mcgraw Hill India Private Limited.

Binding Type: Paperback.

Language: English.

Length: 1200 Pages.

Edition: 1st Edition.

Max Retail Price: Rs.675/-

Flipkart Offer Price: Rs.520/-

My Comments On The Best Book For Indian History In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

I am sure that you know about the importance of Indian History in government exams. Indian History plays a major role in TNPSC, UPSC and all other State public service exams. We can expect around 8-12 questions from History in TNPSC and few more in UPSC. So, its must to buy a good book which covers all the aspects of Indian History. With that concern, if we analyze the books available in the market, we may feel hard to find the best book. Its because there are many books available for Indian History in the market.

After a deep research, I found a book that covers all the very important topics of Indian History. I suggest everyone to use the above mentioned book for your Indian History preparation. The main reason why I am suggesting you this book is, it has been written by one of the most famous history professor and author Mr.Krishna Reddy. This book is an ideal read for those looking to gain deeper knowledge about the Indian History.

This book is divided into  sections. Section-A deals with Ancient India. Section-B deals with Medieval India, Section-C deals with Modern India and Section-D is for Revision. The main feature of this book is that its covers the entire syllabus. This book can be even used for IAS mains examination. This book contains MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) at the end of each chapter which can be used for tests. Section-D contains 13 revision test papers. When we have an overall look, this book beats all the other competitors in the current market.

So, I suggest you to read this book to have a great insight into Indian History. Read this book again and again to remember the important terms. Read this book at least twice and you can lecture about Indian History for an hour. So, make use of this wonderful book. Here ends my article on the best book for Indian History in TNPSC and UPSC exams. If you have any doubts, feel free to comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you find this article useful, don't forget to share it among your friends. Help your friends too. Meet you in the next article. Until then, keep exploring my website. Cya!!
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Best Book For Aptitude In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Hey there!

I have been writing a series of articles to suggest the best books for each subject in TNPSC and UPSC exams. This article will also be added in that list. This article suggests the best book for aptitude in TNPSC and UPSC exams. Aptitude carries 25 marks in TNPSC exams. Moreover, there is a separate paper for aptitude in IAS preliminary exam called C-SAT. So, everyone must give separate attention to aptitude in their exam preparation. In this article, I have suggested the best book for aptitude in TNPSC and UPSC exams.

Best Book For Aptitude In TNPSC And UPSC Books

Best Book For Aptitude In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Name Of The Book: Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations.

Author: R.S.Aggarwal.

Publication: S.Chand Publishing

Edition: 7th Revised Edition.

Year: 2015.

Language: English.

Length: 726 Pages.

Binding: Paperback.

Max Retail Price: Rs.595/-

Flipkart Discount Price: Rs.450/-

Special Features Of The Book:
  • Written by the best author for aptitude.
  • Best book for aptitude.
  • Used for all competitive exams like UPSC, State PSC, IBPS, SBI-PO, RBI, MBA, CAT etc.

My Comments On The Best Book For Aptitude In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

If you ask a person who knows well about aptitude to suggest the best book for aptitude, He/She will prefer 'Quantitative Aptitude By R.S.Aggarwal'. This book has been used for all competitive exams. Its the most trusted resource for aptitude preparation by all TNPSC and UPSC aspirants. Mostly, aptitude paper tests the basic knowledge of a candidate in Arithmetic and thinking ability. With that concern, this book has been written in a lucid way. The concepts are explained very clearly and several examples are given for each topic. Numerous practice questions were also given at the end of each topic. Answers were also published to refer when needed.

This book is divided into two sections. The first section is all about Arithmetic maths. The topics included in the first section are Numbers, Average, Percentage, Decimal Fractions, H.C.F (Highest Common Factor), L.C.M (Least Common  Multiple), Square roots, Cube roots, Simplifications, Problems on numbers and ages, Allegations and Logarithms.

The second section of the book explains about data interpretation. The topics included here are problems related to Surds and Indices, Pipes and Cistern, Chain Rule, Boats and Streams, Tabulations, Bars, Graphs, Pie charts and Line graphs. It also includes problems on Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Permutations, Combinations, Odd man out, Number Series, Heights, Angles, Distances, Calendar, True discount and Banker's discount. So, I would suggest its the best book for aptitude in TNPSC and UPSC exams.

Here ends my article on the best book for aptitude in UPSC and TNPSC exams. I have given a brief explanation on this book. I hope you could feel the importance of reading this book. When you prepare for aptitude, don't miss R.S.Aggarwal's Quantitative aptitude book. If you have any doubts, feel free to comment below. If you find this article useful, don't forget to share it among your friends. Meet you in the next article. Until then, keep exploring my website. Cya!!
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Best Book For Indian Geography In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Hey there!

I have been writing a series of articles to suggest the best books for each subject in TNPSC and UPSC exams. This is also article which will be added in that list. This article suggests the best book for Indian Geography in TNPSC and UPSC exams. Geography is always the most loved subject by most TNPSC and UPSC candidates. We can expect around 12-15 question related to Geography in UPSC exams and around 5-7 questions in TNPSC exams. So, in this article, I am going to explain about the best book for Indian Geography in TNPSC and UPSC exams. Lets get into the article.

Best Book For Indian Geography In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Best Book For Indian Geography In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Name Of The Book: Geography Of India.

Author: Spectrum Editorial Board.

Publisher: Spectrum Books Private Limited.

Edition: Revised edition.

Length: 656 Pages.

Binding: Paperback.

Max Retail Price: Rs.365/-

Flipkart Offer Price: Rs.268/-

Special Features Of The Book:
  • From the well trusted publishers.
  • Written by a group of authors.
  • Explains every nook and corner of Indian Geography.
  • Overtakes Majid Hussain's Geography in many ways.

My Comments On The Best Book For Indian Geography In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Spectrum is the most trusted publisher for educational books. Moreover, this book has been written by an experienced panel from Spectrum publications. So, the quality of the book is excellent as expected. Many people suggest Majid Hussain's book for Indian Geography. But, this book is far better than Majid Hussain's Indian Geography in many ways. Let me explain about the book in more detail.

The book is divided into 15 chapters. Each chapter is crisp and clear about the topic. The first chapter is about An Introduction To  India. This topic includes India's Location & Size, Political Units, Neighbors, Advantages of Location and some facts about states. Chapter 2 of the book says about Geomorphology of India. This topic includes Geological History of India, India's Landforms, Islands, Comparison of the Deltaic regions of the Indus and Ganga, Difference between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats, Difference between Eastern Coastal Plains and Western Coastal Plains and The Indian Desert.

The third chapter of the book explains about the Water Resources Of India. The topics explained here are Sources of water, Indian Drainage System, The National Water Policy 2002, Utilization of water resources, Water resources management, Disputes over sharing water resources, Evolution of the 1981 Agreement and the Presidential Reference. the fourth chapter says about Climate of India. The topics explained are Factors affecting climate, Subtropical Monsoon, Seasons, Climate region of India and difference between South-West Monsoon and North-East Monsoon.

The fifth chapter is about Natural Vegetation an Wildlife. The topics explained are Factors that influence Natural Vegetation, Natural Vegetation In India, Forest Cover, Importance Of Forests, Problems Facing Indian Forests, Indian Forests Conservation and Development, Wildlife, Wetlands, Distinction between National Park, Sanctuary and Biosphere reserve. The sixth chapter is all about Soil. This chapter says about Soil, its formation, types of soil, Characteristics of Soil, Classification of soil, Soil erosion and prevention, Soil Conservation, Effects of Soil Salinity and Alkalinity.

The seventh chapter says about Land Resources and Agriculture. This is a very big chapter and it includes topics like Land Resources, Utilization, Classification, Land Degradation, Role and Importance of Agriculture, Nature Of Indian Agriculture, Causes of Low Productivity, Types of farming, Cropping Seasons, Agricultural Regions, Agro-Climatic Zones, Cropping Pattern, Factors Affecting Cropping Pattern, Cropping Intensity, Agricultural Infrastructure, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Apiculture, Difficulties in implementing Big Irrigation Projects, Dry Zone Agriculture and Green Revolution.

The Eight chapter is all about the Mineral Resources Of India. The topics explained are Classification of mineral resources in India, Distribution of mineral resources in India, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous minerals in India, Non-metallic minerals in India, Mineral Exploration, National Mineral Resource Policy, Need For Caution and Conservation. The ninth chapter deals with Energy Resources Of India which includes topics like Fuel Minerals, Electricity, Non-Conventional Energy Resources, Energy Crisis and Conservation.

The tenth chapter is about Industries in India. The topics explained here are Industrial Development, Industrial Policy, Location Of Industries, Agro based Industries, Mineral Based Industries, Heavy Engineering Industries, Goods Industry, Forest based Industry, Cottage Industry, Tourism Based Industry, Liberalization, Multi-Nationals and Special Economic Zones. The eleventh chapter is all about Transport and Communication In India. The topics included here are Roadways, Railways, Waterways, Airways, Pipeline networks, Mass Communication, Corridor Management, Konkan Railways, Delhi Metro Rail, The Kochi International Airport and Sedhusamudram Project.

The Twelfth Chapter is all about Foreign Trade Of India. The topics included here are Role and Importance Of Foreign Trade In India, Challenges facing foreign trade, Foreign Trade Policy, India and World Trade Organization (WTO), Balance of trade and Balance of payments. The thirteenth chapter is all about the People of India. The topics included here are Diversity and Unity, Racial Groups, Tribes, Castes, Scheduled Castes, Culture Aspects, Demography, Population Problems, National Population Policy 2000, Human Development and Census.

The fourteenth chapter is all about Settlements and Migration. Topics included here are Rural Population, Rural Settlement, Urban Space, Urbanization, City Regions, Rural-Urban Fringe, Town Planning, Slums and Urban Housing, National Urbanization Policy and Migration. The fifteenth chapter explains everything about Regional Development and Planning.

This is all about the best book for Indian Geography In TNPSC and UPSC exams. I have given a detailed vision of the book. I would also say its the must and best book for Indian Geography. So, buy this book and study hard to achieve success. Here ends my article on the best book for Indian Geography in TNPSC and UPSC exams. If you have any doubts, comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you find this article useful, don't forget to share it among your friends and help them too. Meet you in the next article. Cya!!

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Best Book For Indian Polity In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Hey there!

As you know already, I have been writing a series of articles to suggest best books for each subject in TNPSC and UPSC exams. This article will also join that list. This article is about the best book for Indian Polity in TNPSC and UPSC exams. Indian Polity is a very important subject which always has 10-15 questions in UPSC exams. We can expect around 5-8 questions in TNPSC exams. So, one should give more importance to Indian Polity when preparing for TNPSC and UPSC exams. So, this article 'Best Book For Indian Polity In TNPSC And UPSC Exams' will explain the special features of the best book for Indian Polity. I gave a detailed explanation so that you can understand the special features of the book very easily. Lets get into the article.

Best Book For Indian Polity In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Best Book For Indian Polity In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

Name Of The Book: Indian Polity For Civil Services Examination.

Author: M.Laxmikanth.

Publisher: Mcgraw Hill Publications.

Edition: 4th revised and updated.

Length: 696 pages.

Max Retail Price: Rs.550/-

Flipkart Discount Price: Rs.424/-

Special Features Of The Book:
  • Written by the most trusted author for Indian Polity.
  • Best Book For Indian Polity.
  • Gives a brief insight into Indian Polity.
  • Clear, precise and up to the mark definitions to explain the concepts.

My Comments On The Best Book For Indian Polity In TNPSC And UPSC Exams

The best book for Indian Polity by M.Laxmikanth has been divided into 11 parts. There are about 71 lessons in total. This book gives a deep explanation to understand the concepts better. Part I of the book deals with Constitutional framework. This part includes historical background of Indian Constitution, making of the Indian Constitution, Salient features of the Indian Constitution, Preamble, Union & its territory, Citizenship, Fundamental rights & duties, Directive principles of state policy, Amendment and Basic structure of the constitution.

Part II of the book deals with 'System Of Government'. The topics included here are Parliamentary system, Federal system, Centre-State relations, Inter state relations and Emergency Provisions. Part III of the book is about the central government. It includes President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Central Council of Ministers, Cabinet Committees, Parliament, Parliamentary committees, its forums and Supreme Court.

Part IV of the book deals with State government. The topics included are Governor, Chief Minister, State Council Of Ministers, State Legislature, High Courts, Sub-Ordinate Courts, Special Status Of Jammu & Kashmir and special provisions for some states. Part V of the book deals with Local Government. The topics included are Panchayat Raj and Municipalities.

Part VI of the book explains about Union Territories and Special areas. The topics covered are Union Territories and Scheduled Tribal Areas. Part VII deals with Constitutional Bodies. Topics included are Election Commission, Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), State Public Service Commission (PSC), Finance Commission, National Commission for ST's, National  Commission for SC's, Special Officer for Linguistic Minorities, Comptroller and Auditor General Of India, Attorney General Of India and Advocate General Of The State.

Part VIII of the book is about Non-Constitutional Bodies. Topics covered here are Planning Commission, National Development Council, National Human Rights Commission, State Human Rights Commission, State Information Commission, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Central Bureau Of Investigation (CBI) and Lokpal and Lolayuktas. Part IX and X deals with Other Constitutional Dimensions and Political Dynamics. Part XI deals with the Working of the constitution.

Here ends my article on the best book for Indian Polity in TNPSC and UPSC exams. I hope I have given enough details on this book. I suggest you to read the first VIII parts of the book in very detail as it includes more details. You can even omit part IX to XI. If you have any queries, feel free to comment below. I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you find this article useful, share it among your friends and help them too. Meet you in the next article. Until then, keep exploring my website. Cya!!

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