Wednesday 22 July 2015

TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015 Study Tips

TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015 Study Tips- Introduction:

TNPSC has announced the much awaited exam of the year, 'TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015'. I found many queries in the internet stating "TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tips". I see these type of queries every year. I had the answers but I didn't had a medium to answer and explain it. This time, I own a website and I can answer these queries in my website. So, I am going to guide the candidates who are not clear in their preparation. I am here to show you the right path.
Follow the simple tips given here and achieve your dream. As I stated earlier, this website is for those who dare to follow their dreams. My guide on TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tips are given below. Before reading the study tips know completely, read about TNPSC Group 2 exam by visiting the following link- TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015.

TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015 Study Tips

TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015 Study Tips:

1) Read newspaper daily. Yes! You heard me. Now, TNPSC gives more importance to current affairs. You should know what is happening around you. You are going to become a public servant and so you must know what's around you. So, my first TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is "Read newspapers daily without fail". You can read either English newspapers or Tamil newspapers.

2) Take notes from the newspaper you read. You are not a computer to remember everything you read. So, you must take notes of what you are reading. You can devote a separate notebook for your exam preparations. Put the date. Read the contents and make the notes. I will write an article regarding note making soon to help you. So, my second TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 exam study tip is "Take notes on everything you read". Whatever you read meaningful, take a note of it. It would help you during revision time very much.

3) Concentrate on preliminary exams first. Main examination is easy when compared to preliminary. I say so because, main examination is a descriptive type exam. You can somehow manage it even if you little about the topic. But preliminary exam is an objective type exam. You should know about the concept of the question thoroughly before answering it. Making choices in the objective question is not going to be always correct. So, my third TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is "Concentrate on preliminary exam first". You will get at least 2 to 3 months gap to prepare for your main examination. You can use that period for your main exam preparation.

4) Buy and read the important books mentioned in the links given below.
Don't hesitate to invest your money on books. Remember that books are our never failing friends and the amount spent on a book is an investment not an expenditure. So, buy the books mentioned above and start reading.

5) Try to read at least 6-8 hours a day. Yes! You need to work hard and smart at the same time. You can't taste success without hard work. You need to thrive hard to taste success. So, give a break for your entertainments and start concentrating in your preparation. So, my fourth TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is, "Try to read at least 6-8 hours a day". Just work hard for few months and enjoy the rest of your life. You need to sacrifice small pleasures for a big success. There is nothing wrong in that.

6) Be relaxed and enjoy your studies. You should study with full concentration. You can study 18 hours a day without concentration. There is no use in that. You will forget it soon. Instead you study 6-8 hours a day with concentration. You can read more and you can remember it for a longer period of time. Its not the quantity of hours you study. The thing matters here is the quality of your study. So, my fifth TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is, "Read with full concentration". Love what you study.

 7) Visualize your dream. Just think of it. Just think how much you and your parents will be happy if you got placed in TNPSC. You will get the interest to study. This is the trick to study for long hours. So, my sixth TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is "Visualize your dream".

8) If you can't study on your own, go for coaching classes. You will meet people like you there and you will get motivated. Surround yourself with people who motivate you. Moreover, coaching centers can guide you in the right path with their experience. So, my seventh TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is, "Take coaching classes if you need guidance".

9) Forget about the results. Give your full effort. Don't worry about the results. All you need to do is, you have to fix your mind and energy into what you study and give your best. Results will follow you. So, my eighth TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is, "Stop worrying about the result and concentrate in your present".
10) Make a plan to study. Take a pen and a paper. Sit down and write your plan. Study the things you are not familiar with. Divide the syllabus. Allocate separate days for each division you made and try to complete the the things you planned to study within the time frame you made. So, my ninth TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is, "Make a plan and follow it".

11) Throw out negative thoughts from your mind. Don't think "Can I pass this exam?". Say your mind that you can do anything and everything. A person who doesn't know where he is going will fear about the results. But you know your path and you have your plan. So my tenth TNPSC group 2 exam 2015 study tip is,"Be Positive and Be Confident".

 These are the first set of TNPSC Group 2 Exam 2015 Study Tips. If you have any queries, feel free to comment. I will reply to your queries as soon as possible. If you like this article, Like it, share it, comment on it and tweet it. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned. More articles are on their way. Subscribe to my mail list and get notifications whenever I make new post.

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